Globalização, sustentabilidade e justiça socioambiental
8 Outubro 2021, 14:00 • João Guerra
Sessão deliberativa facilitada por José Luis Monteiro da Oikos.
Assessing Net Zero Plans in the Context of Sustainability Principles
1 Outubro 2021, 16:00 • João Guerra
Assessing Net Zero Plans (NZPs) in the Context of Sustainability Principles
Introduction COP 26, NDCs and NZPs :
Part 1. Dilemmas for Multi-Sector Governance
Part 2 .The Overarching Significance of Time
Part 3. Climate Justice
The 26th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is planned to take place in Glasgow, UK between 1 & 12 Nov 2021, will be a critical event for reaching the global commitment to limit global temperatures rise to below 2 ⁰C, a colossal test for governance, multi-sector coordination, and individual citizen engagement, COP 26 should provide for nations to lay out their national strategies to achieve net zero GHG emissions in two stages:
In 2030 the UN will commit to its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to lead to a permanent human and ecological right to productive harmony with the Earth.
Every country will (should) declare its updated nationally determined contribution (NDC) that leads to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.
Climate Change and Sustainability Science - Tim O´Riordan
25 Setembro 2021, 11:00 • João Guerra
The role of climate change in creating tipping points which chaotically disturb the normally stabilizing natural processes of the Earth into wholly unexpected outcomes.
The implications of combinations of tipping points for overwhelming human capacities and actions for reaching progressive means of achieving sustainability.
The relationships between science and politics in creating the barriers to achieving sustainability science.
The role of sustainability science in higher education and its purpose in this PhD course and in your research.
Implications for your research when incorporating sustainability science into your work.
Apresentação da disciplina
17 Setembro 2021, 18:00 • João Guerra
Apresentação da disciplina, plano de estudos e métodos de avaliação.