
4 - Water governance

12 Outubro 2023, 16:00 Rodrigo de Almada Cardoso Proença de Oliveira

Water governance and integrated and adaptive management of water resources. Institutional and legislative framework.  Water scarcity indicators. Ecological flows.

3 - Water resources monitoring.

23 Setembro 2023, 11:00 Rodrigo de Almada Cardoso Proença de Oliveira

Water resources monitoring. Water infrastructures. Design and operation criteria. Performance indicators (security, vulnerability and resilience). Mathematical modelling. Numerical exercise.

2 - Water and human development.

23 Setembro 2023, 09:00 Rodrigo de Almada Cardoso Proença de Oliveira

Water and human development. Water uses, including preservation of ecosystems. Risks associated with water. Extreme situations and water quality. Water and the SDG. The nexi of water, climate, energy and food. The concepts of virtual wate

1 - Introduction.

16 Setembro 2023, 09:00 Rodrigo de Almada Cardoso Proença de Oliveira

Introduction. Water and civilization. The water cycle. Water availability and