How to select the thesis format: portfolio or monograph?
23 Maio 2024, 14:30 • Edalina Rodrigues Sanches
Seminar: How to select the thesis format: portfolio or monograph?, with talks by Mariana Duarte, Tiago Carvalho and Joris Alberdingk
Compared Autocratization: Attacks on the Electoral Cycle (1990-2021)
16 Maio 2024, 14:30 • Edalina Rodrigues Sanches
Seminar: Compared Autocratization: Attacks on the Electoral Cycle (1990-2021) by Ian Batista
Economic burden, gain or sorting? House rent increases and voting in the city of Madrid
9 Maio 2024, 14:30 • Edalina Rodrigues Sanches
Substituted by the seminar on June 20:Economic burden, gain or sorting? House rent increases and voting in the city of Madrid, by Hugo Marcos-Marne
Tackling the academic job market
2 Maio 2024, 14:30 • Edalina Rodrigues Sanches
Pedro Silveira (Universidade da Beira Interior) and Susana Coroado (University of Antwerp) discuss their personal experiences of tackling the academic job market. Hugo Ferrinha Lopes (ICS-ULisboa) moderated the sesssion.