- Zenil, H. (ed)
A Computable Universe
- Wolfram, S.
A Nw Kind of Science
- Von Wright, G. H.
An Essay on Modal Logic
- Symons, J., Pombo, O. e Torres, J. M. (eds)
Otto Neurath and the Unity of Science
- Soler, F.
Razonamiento Abductivo en Lógica Clásica
- Hintikka, J.
Knowledge and Belief: An Introduction to the Logic of the Two Notions
- Floridi, L. (ed)
The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information
- van Ditmarsch, H., Van der Hoek, W., e Kooi, B.
Dynamic Epistemic Logic
- van Benthem, J.
Logical Dynamics of Information and Interaction
- Aliseda, A.
Abductive Reasoning. Logical Investigations into Discovery and Explanation
- Adrians, P. e van Benthem, J. (eds)
Handbook of Philosophy of Science. Philosophy of Information (vol. 8)
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